Today we explored the rest of the Karikari peninsula working from the bottom to the top. Our first stop of the day was Coca Cola Lake so named because of the colour of the water - very strange.

Round the corner from the lake is Tokerau beach, the long sandy beach we could see from Whatuwhiwhi beach. It was wild and windy when we were there so a deserted beach and waves crashing down onto the sand.

At the top of the peninsula we hit gravel roads and a choice of west or east coast. Firstly we headed west to Karikari Beach - WOW! A huge white sandy beach where we were the only people.

We then headed over to the east coast and Matai Bay with twin cove beaches. A beautiful spot with a basic DOC campsite to which we will have to return in the future. This is one of the bays.

Whilst this is the other.

Whilst this is looking in the direction of Matai Bay.