Rotoroa Island has recently been opened to the public after being owned by the Salvation Army for many years as a place to send Auckland drunks to sober up and dry out. This is a photo of what the island used to look like with all its buildings.
A few of the old buildings still remain, including the jail where the arrivals were originally held - I had to let Royston out...
This is a map of the island - not much to do here but walk and relax on the beaches.
The island is now a haven for native plants and wildlife - the conservation teams have spent a lot of time planting new trees and eradicating pests. Only a few buildings remain now including a couple of holiday homes for rent.
The island can be walked in a day so we did just that as well as spending some time on some of the beautiful beaches. Here is a view down the island with Ladies Bay and Mens Bay on the left.
On the western point of the island is a sculpture by Chris Booth in memory of an Auckland boatie. Quite an amazing structure pointing out to sea.
The view from the highest point of the island looking down to the exhibition centre and across to Waiheke Island in the distance. A beautiful quiet place to visit and one we will return to in the future.