Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Shakespear Regional Park

Charlotte & Dougal are now back with us after their trip to the South Island, and Royston and myself now on holiday for the rest of the year :o) Today we headed down the Whangaparaoa peninsula to Shakespear Regional Park. Despite the prediction of rain, we had a lovely warm and sunny day.

The morning was spent at Army Bay with Royston teaching Dougal the art of surfcasting. As we are currently experiencing King tides (very high), they didn't have to wade out too far to be up to their waists.

Dougal managed to pick up casting very quickly and was getting some decent distances on his casts. Here they are playing the waiting game...

And finally a fish! A very small kahawai... This one went back into the sea along with the other small snappers caught by Royston.

Once all the bait had gone, we headed to Te Haruhi beach the otherside of the park for a picnic lunch and a walk on the beach. The view of Auckland city in the distant background.

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