Saturday, February 06, 2010

Opshop at the Zoo

Each summer Auckland Zoo hosts a series of concerts to raise money for their various conservation causes. Tonight we went with Darryl & Alistair to see Opshop perform in the bandstand. The ticket allows you prior access to the zoo so we had a wander around looking at the animals.

The baby baboon was rather cute, this taken just before he fell off the trunk...

It was a quick revisit for me, having been with Mum 6 weeks or so ago, but this time the red panda was a little more active so got to see it properly.

We had to leave the zoo at closing time and queue up to return back in, armed with chairs and picnic. There were a couple of supporting acts, Jackie Bristow followed by Johnny Love.

They were followed by Opshop, the reason for going, who put on a great set including the first showcase of their new album which will have some promising songs.

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