Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cromwell & Kawerau Gorge

Cromwell is the heart of Central Otago and famous for its stone fruit orchards and now wineries. It is known as the fruit capital of NZ, hence the rather fetching sculpture...

Like Arrowtown, Cromwell was once a gold mining town and there is still an area of the old town preserved today.

The road back to Queenstown heads through Kawerau Gorge. Roaring Meg is a turbulent stream that drives a hydro electric power station.

Also along this gorge is the home of bungy, we stopped off for a look (no jumping!) and brought back memories of my jump from this bridge back in 1994. It has changed a bit, no small shack now, instead a flash new bungy centre, and the tripling in price to jump!

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