Saturday, October 29, 2011

Waiheke Island

Today we took a day trip to Waiheke Island, taking the car over on the ferry.  The trip over was rainy so we thought we would be in for a wet day, however by the time we got there the rain and cleared and the sun was out so we headed to the first beach of the day - Onetangi Bay.

We then headed west along the northern coast road, getting some stunning views down the valley towards Palm Beach.

Eventually ending up at Palm Beach, a small quiet beach with some stunning houses lining the beach front.

Next stop was Little Oneroa Beach where we found this lovely painted boat shed.

Then onto the wineries, one of the main reason to visit Waiheke.  First stop was Cable Bay for tastings, and admiring the view from the tasting room back over to Auckland city.

Then onto Mudbrick, a beautiful building for the restaurant and tasting room.

We had lunch here, the most delicious meal with stunning views out over the harbour.  This was my main dish of lamb cutlets, beautifully presented.

The final winery of the day was Te Whau, a stunning winery set on top of a hillside with views down to Putiki Bay.  We purchased a lovely bottle of red to have at Christmas.

The ferry back to Auckland gave great views of the city...

...and the Harbour Bridge.  A great day out and we plan to take the car back over again soon to explore the eastern and quieter side of the island.

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