Saturday, December 01, 2012

Visiting Anna & Tim

After almost a year, we finally made it back down to visit Anna and Tim to see their latest additions to the household.  Jodie is now 18 months old and already hand on with the animals, feeding the pigs...

...and the cow.
Tim's new venture is a flat bed truck with haib crane, plus a water tank for delivering water to homes and businesses.

They have also done a lot of work on their garden since we last visited.
Royston and Tim headed off up the road to collect a totara log to take into Taupo to be carved into a totem pole.  It wasn't small...this is 7 metres and had to be chainsawed down to fit on the truck.
Tim then let Royston have a play with the haib crane, lifting an old lorry chassis onto the back of the truck.

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