Girls only day today as Mum and I headed to Auckland Zoo. The heat of the day meant most of the animals looked pretty warm. The red panda was quite happy in his home and not willing to come out to play.

The tiger "cubs" are now about eighteen months old and are as big as their mum! They were quite happy resting in the shade, but a little sleepy!

You would think the animals in the Australian enclosure would be used to the heat, but even the kangeroos just couldn't be bothered...

I'm not quite sure what these spider monkeys are doing, but as they are scared of water, their pen has a moat around it so they are not caged in.

For some reason the lemurs had big stripey socks on their tails...

The meercat was probably the only animal showing any interest.

Burma the elephant looked very lonely following the recent death of Kashin the other elephant. As elephants need company, the zoo will either have to get a new elephant for the enclosure or move Burma to another zoo.

The lions were majestic, but again mainly in the shade.