Sunday, December 13, 2009

Road Trip to Wellington

Having safely despatched Mum & Dad on the Overlander down to Wellington yesterday, Royston and I embarked on our 650km road trip to meet them down there. A nice sunny day and not much traffic meant for a nice drive. First stop for breakfast was Tirau, famous for its corrugated iron.

The trip down the Desert Road was stunning as usual with great views over to Ruapehu and Ngauruhoe (pictured).

The first fuel stop was in Waiouru, probably the most picturesque petrol station in NZ!

We then drove through Taihape, famous for its gumboot throwing competition, and they have a corrugated iron gumboot at the entrance to the town...

Final stop of the day before we reached Wellington was a lunch time stop in Bulls, and yes, they do have a big bull statue in the town...

They also like to play on the word "bull" as can be seen on the signs on the picture above, and the litter bins.

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