Saturday, January 02, 2010

Atiu Creek Regional Park

Atiu Creek is the newest Regional Park having been donated to the Auckland Regional Council and opened about 18 months ago and has been on our list to do for a while. The park overlooks the Oruawharo River which flows into the Kaipara Harbour on the west coast north of Auckland. When we arrived we were the only car in the car park which has the first stunning view of the day.

The reason for our visit today was to do a good walk, so we set off on our 10km trek marvelling in the views all the way. There are many peninsulas and inlets around the Kaipara, this is looking over to Puketotare peninsula taken from the Heretoka Pa site.

Half way around the walk was an old Maori site, Solomon's Pa.

There are several Maori carvings around the park, this one is Oweka Tapu Pou and overlooking the mangroves of Solomon's Bay.

We then took a slight detour off to Ti Tree Point where I found Royston is a natural sheep herder, who needs a sheep dog...

Along the Point are great views back down to Solomon's Bay - no beaches here though to stop off at.

At the end of the Point is the Regional Park opening plaque. A great regional park for walking, we will return to do a slightly shorter walk (and hopefully less strenuous!) which goes to the reservoir, the water source for the park.

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