Saturday, January 23, 2010

Visiting Anna & Tim

This weekend we have been down to Taupo to see Anna & Tim and to pick up our pig, now in several plastic bags...we will be eating pork for a long time! Holly made us very welcome as she realised there were 2 extra people to play with and show off to.

We had a good wander around their paddocks - it's amazing how much this paddock has changed over the 2 years they have been there, once a pine forest, now nearly all cleared.

The speedy clearance was mainly down to Tim buying a 1950s bulldozer! Here he is explaining to Royston the finer points of how it works - Royston was later to try it out in the pouring rain!

Now that Rashun is no more, their main animal focus is goats, plus a few sheep and lambs. They now have over 20 goats and kids - most of the kids are very friendly and coming running over as soon as they see you.

Royston was very tempted to try and squeeze one of them into the car! We had to make do with a pack of diced goat meat for a curry instead...

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