Monday, August 22, 2011

Daintree River Cruise

Today we went on Tony's Tropical Tours heading north to Daintree and Cape Tribulation. First stop of the day was a river cruise on the Daintree River to spot crocodiles.

Mangroves line the water's edge - you can see the high tide water level on these trees.

We saw quite a few birds along the way, including this kingfisher.

And then a tree snake poking his head out of the trunk.

And then finally the highlight of the river trip, we finally spotted a female crocodile - lucky as they tend to only come out of the water later in the day at the height of the sunshine. We stayed a suitable distance away!

We also went past the basking spot for the largest crocodile in the river, unfortunately no sign of him but the marks on the bank show how big he his.

The Daintree River has a small car ferry to get across, we would come back this way later in the day.

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