Saturday, August 06, 2011

Opening of Wynyard Quarter

Today was the official opening day of the new Wynyard Quarter, an area of Auckland waterfront that was previously run down wasteland and old industrial area. A new footbridge links the Viaduct Harbour to this new area.

The bridge opens for boats leaving the marina - not sure that they needed to raise the bridge for the lifesavers though!

The new area is home to the new Viaduct Events Centre which will be a good addition to the city for the arts.

The old North Wharf sheds have been converted into several restaurants and bars, so no doubt will become a popular evening destination.

A tram line has also been put in that loops the area, trams have been brought over from Melbourne and done up.

Further down is Silo Park and the wind sculpture. This apparently used to be in a different area of Auckland but had been in storage since 2002, looked good in its new home.

The park itself will be used for concerts and open air cinema.

They have also built a scafolding like structure that gives good views back over the area and to the city. The cranes show that construction is still going on - a new hotel being built as well as new offices for one of the banks.

The view from Silo Park to the Harbour bridge.

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